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Communicating Better with Color

2009-12-03_211511 In living color
When was the last time you watched television on a black-and-white set? Or perused a black-and-white Website? There’s no getting around it: We live in a color world, and color has a tremendous impact on the way we think and feel about almost every aspect of our lives. This paper will explore what makes color such an important component of communication, why more and more organizations are increasingly incorporating color output into their everyday operations, and how color can dramatically improve the effectiveness of communications—from seemingly minor memos to major sales presentations—in virtually any organization.

The power of color
Consider just a few examples of the powerful impact of color in everyday life.
> When you’re driving on a highway and you see a large orange sign with black lettering on the roadside ahead, what does that tell you? Even if you’re too far away to read the text, you know to be on the alert for construction and related road hazards. That’s just one example of the ways in which color can be used to communicate important practical information to entire societies.

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