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Charging Back: Making Color Pay For Itself

2009-11-09_184156 One way to control your costs for color printing is to charge them back to those who are doing the printing. Charging back these costs can help reduce operational costs in two ways.
1. Internal users who are billed for all or some of their color printing are likely to be more aware of, and more mindful about, how much they print—and, as a result, more judicious in their use of printing resources. This can result in less usage.
2. By billing external users, organizations can eliminate, or at least significantly reduce, the color printing and copying costs that they normally absorb on behalf of their clients or patrons.

Opportunities to charge back color printing
In addition to charging back color printing costs to internal and external users, organizations can charge back by group or individual. Opportunities for charging back might include:
» departments within a larger organization
» offices in remote locations
» clients of professional firms
» individual users of institutional resources

Color printing charge-back scenarios
Here are just a few examples of organizations keeping tighter control over costs by charging color printing costs back to users.